Do you often delay or put off tasks or responsibilities?
Do you tend to avoid or find excuses to not start or complete tasks?
Do you have a habit of leaving things until the last minute?
Do you struggle with decision-making, often avoiding making choices?
Do you find it difficult to take the first step on a task or project?
Do you often find yourself waiting until the last minute to start or complete important tasks?
Do you thrive under pressure and work best when faced with urgent deadlines?
Do you tend to delay tasks until a crisis or deadline forces you to take action?
Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself unless there is a sense of urgency or impending deadline?
Do you feel a sense of relief or accomplishment once a crisis is resolved or a deadline is met?
Do you often feel anxious or worried about starting or completing tasks?
Do you frequently doubt your abilities to successfully complete tasks?
Do you often imagine negative outcomes or believe that things will go wrong if you take action?
Do you spend a significant amount of time overthinking or analyzing tasks before taking any action?
Do you seek reassurance or validation from others before starting or completing tasks?
Do you have a habit of daydreaming or getting lost in your thoughts?
Do you often find it difficult to focus on tasks or follow through on your plans?
Do you spend a lot of time imagining and envisioning future possibilities?
Do you frequently come up with new ideas or projects that distract you from your current responsibilities?
Do you enjoy exploring different options and possibilities rather than committing to a specific plan?
Do you have a habit of setting excessively high standards and expectations for yourself?
Do you tend to spend too much time on minor details and struggle to move onto other aspects of a task?
Do you have difficulty accepting feedback or constructive criticism about your work?
Do you have a strong fear of failure or making mistakes?
Do you have a tendency to micromanage or control tasks to ensure they meet your vision?